How To Claim The Rebate:
1. Get On The Notification List:
2. Subscribe To My Youtube Channel
3. Follow Steps Below:
Once you have been a member of clickfunnels (via my link) for at least three months you can claim your $47 rebate by emailing me at: kinghumanblog@aol.com include the subject line "CLICKFUNNELS REBATE", in the body include your full name, the email you used to signup on clickfunnels and the date you joined clickfunnels. *NOTE: I get several hundred emails every day so in the event that I miss your email try again until I respond. Also, if you are a member of TheKinghumanElite.com just call me on the voicemail system and I'll get that immediately and respond VERY quickly.
Here are the details of the rebate on the ecommerce funnel as offered on Youtube & Kinghuman.com.
First off, I am not responsible in any for any damages that may result of your use of any of the information or products supplied in my offer / video. All businesses involve risk and I have no way of knowing if you are capable of operating a successful business. I give no guarantees of your success. You undertake this venture entirely at your own risk.
Further, I am not a partner of Clickfunnels or Ali Express. I am not responsible for any actions they (or anyone else) takes that may cause you to incur damages. They are not me and I am not them! Additionally you agree to the full terms of use and privacy policy on my website Kinghuman.com. I may send you promotional emails based on your interest in online income however you may drop out of receiving further emails from me at any time. I may change any of the terms of this offer (and or end) this offer at any time without notice. This entire offer is copyright 2019 Kinghuman Ent. Inc. all rights reserved. No duplication in any way is permitted without express permission in writing. Your participation in this promotion constitutes your acceptance of these terms in full. It is your duty to have read these terms in full. Now shutup and go make some money! Then let me know how you do.